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I drive invisible carts at work & the guests will sacrifice themselves for squirrels

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 6:11 pm
by Rallots
Hola everyone,

This is my first post here and I'm a little excited embarrassed to say I don't know where this post should go. I thought the best place would be "The dumbest thing you have ever seen a guest do!" but that topic has been derailed it seems. If this gets moved, oh well, here goes.

I work Out Door Foods at Hollywood Studios. Some days I work as a "Coke Stocker" the job descriptions is simply to lug around the ridiculous orders our managers and coordinators make for the wagons though out the park. I've often been befuddled and confused at how much disregard comes from the guests and on occasion other cast members. The orders are transported in these large carts labeled "Props Department" and most of them are long, large, and motorized.

For example, I've been walking down the Streets of America which is paved with asphalt and is complete with all the pot holes and unevenness that most people never notice but my cart dips and bounces and makes all kinds of noise. I'm coming down the street against the flow of traffic because everyone is headed to Lights Motor Action and all the groups walk shoulder to shoulder and take up the whole street. I've found a clear lane down the center of the road which quickly ends with guests cutting me off and sometimes only barley missing my cart clipping the back of their heels. So I try to call out, "Cart coming through, please excuse me." And I slowly inch along till I come up to 3 guests all with their back to me staring intently at the ground. I try to get their attention and ask them to move but they completely ignore me. I walk around the cart and ask them to move and they jump like a startled kid and move away. I start to move forward and on then the female guests shrieks, "Don't hit the squirrel!" So I jam on the "E-brake" and a foot later my cart stops and by that time the squirrel is already in the Muppet courtyard.

So my question is, does anyone else have this problem? Or are the carts at Studios made by ninjas or maybe the Cardassians have installed a cloaking device in them?

Re: I drive invisible carts at work & the guests will sacrifice themselves for squirr

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 6:36 pm
by glendalais
Rallots wrote:So my question is, does anyone else have this problem? Or are the carts at Studios made by ninjas or maybe the Cardassians have installed a cloaking device in them?
CARDASSIANS!? It's the Romulans who have cloaking technology, and the Klingons! *hyperventalates*

Sorry, I was a Trekkie in a past life :o: .

Anyway, welcome to SGT! I'm sure our Marsupials will be hopping through shortly to formally welcome you.

But we have the same problems here at DLR. Your counterparts in DLR Outdoor Vending/Ventures seem to have this unfortunate power to attract people to cross right in front of their motorized carts. The obstacles people will go through for cotton candy..... :rolleyes: .

Re: I drive invisible carts at work & the guests will sacrifice themselves for squirr

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 6:38 pm
by Lasolimu
glendalais wrote:The obstacles people will go through for cotton candy..... :rolleyes: .
Nothing can stand in the way of the magical fairy floss, it calls to us all and we must answer. ;)

Re: I drive invisible carts at work & the guests will sacrifice themselves for squirr

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 6:43 pm
by Tecs
One day I was taking the scenic route from Studios to Epcot and I decided to use the Ferry boat. I walked to the end of the dock and found the gate was closed and the ferry was apparently full. So I'm staring at the ducks waiting for this ferry to depart and the next to come when I see this woman open the closed gate and a man walks through with a soaking wet squirrel. The boat pulls out and there is this British family on the dock complaining about the damn boat leaving them when they were saving a squirrel. So the woman starts telling the story how there was a squirrel near the end of the dock that got frightened and confused when the ferry pulled up and started loading. It jumps down onto a wire under the dock and it's tail dips into the water. The British family was watching while on the ferry and then see a big "bloody bass" pull the tail and the whole squirrel under the water. So the family tells one of the cast members and they give her some generic "we will call animal control" but really we don't care answers. So her family gets off the ferry the son reaches down to pick up the squirrel, who was doggy paddling at this point, and the father saw it's body breathing and laid it down in the bushes. Now some of the guests we haggling them and making jokes like "give the squirrel CPR."

Re: I drive invisible carts at work & the guests will sacrifice themselves for squirr

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 6:59 pm
by Rallots
glendalais wrote:CARDASSIANS!? It's the Romulans who have cloaking technology, and the Klingons! *hyperventalates*

Sorry, I was a Trekkie in a past life :o: .
First off I ned to apologize to Glendalais. I was a serious fan of ST Voyager but never really watched the other series too closely.

Also I'm happy to see that my topic has had some views. Also I wanted to give a shout out to the gentleman who worked with me in the Popcorn cart last week. I'm not sure if he'd want me using his name, but he told me about this site and he was extra hours from Monorails. I wish he could have given me his handle on this site so he could get the proper credit. But he gave me the idea he was fairly active and would find me. Sorry it took me so long to post. Also don't worry I'll make my way to the monorails and find you when ODF has me off 6 days :)

Re: I drive invisible carts at work & the guests will sacrifice themselves for squirr

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 7:19 pm
by glendalais
Rallots wrote:Also I'm happy to see that my topic has had some views. Also I wanted to give a shout out to the gentleman who worked with me in the Popcorn cart last week. I'm not sure if he'd want me using his name, but he told me about this site and he was extra hours from Monorails. I wish he could have given me his handle on this site so he could get the proper credit. But he gave me the idea he was fairly active and would find me. Sorry it took me so long to post. Also don't worry I'll make my way to the monorails and find you when ODF has me off 6 days :)
Ooh! Ooh! I know who you're talking about (There's only one SGTer I know of who has WDW-ODF knowledge and works Monorail). Did he happen to mention if he used to work in Tomorrowland Attractions at MK, by chance?

Re: I drive invisible carts at work & the guests will sacrifice themselves for squirr

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 7:29 pm
by Shorty82
Not just a Studios thing. When I'm stocking part of my duties is to push large carts that are quite heavy and not very maneuverable. These carts are heavy empty, let alone when loaded down with mist fans and ice or glow items. I've nearly run over I don't know how many guests because they either don't see me or don't care.

They'll see me coming, making a straight line for someplace, and they'll walk right in front of me. I've had guests stop right at the bottom of ramps or on a hill I'm headed down and I have to call out "Excuse me! This thing is heavy and I can't stop fast!" or something similar a number of times.

The carts ODF pushes around are even larger and I've seen guests do the exact same thing. Then again I've had guests who try to go past my out-stretched arm I put out to stop them from walking in front of a Street Party float.

I dislike pushing those carts around just because of how heavy they are, add in SGs walking right in front of you and I hate them with a passion.

Re: I drive invisible carts at work & the guests will sacrifice themselves for squirr

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 8:47 pm
by hobie16
You need someone on one of these to herd the SGs out of the way.


Re: I drive invisible carts at work & the guests will sacrifice themselves for squirr

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 8:59 pm
by kurtisnelson
glendalais wrote:Ooh! Ooh! I know who you're talking about (There's only one SGTer I know of who has WDW-ODF knowledge and works Monorail). Did he happen to mention if he used to work in Tomorrowland Attractions at MK, by chance?

Re: I drive invisible carts at work & the guests will sacrifice themselves for squirr

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 9:14 pm
by drcorey
wow, I'd like to see disney use those robot carts I saw at a show.
the whole cart is a robot which the operator wears a transiver pendant.
you load your robot cart, turn it on, turn on your pendant. and the cart will follow you anywhere. japan uses these for shopping carts. the cart don't even have to be within eye sight. it will follow it's pendant untill told not to.
hmm, I can just see the headlines thou, robot cart full of food supplies runs over family of 4 at disney. family says they never heard it's voice warnings, sirens or flashing lights bearing down on them.