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Corporate vists

Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2003 7:34 pm
by GapToothed
In the past, when Auggie Busch has toured the park, he gave us (SeaWorld) glowing notices... well, how things changed last week! So now, we've been working OT and Double Time for a visit tomorrow by the head of Busch Entertainment then in two weeks, Auggie returns. Oy...

So do any of you Disney folks have to stay crazy hours when the weasels from Burbank come out to visit?

Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2003 7:38 pm
by CujoSR

Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2003 7:38 pm
by tabacco
I'm not 100% convinced the weasels from Burbank have ever actually been in the parks ;)

Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2003 7:47 pm
by CujoSR
I met Eisner once, in the parks. He comes.

Re: Corporate vists

Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2003 5:30 pm
by BirdMom
GapToothed wrote:
So do any of you Disney folks have to stay crazy hours when the weasels from Burbank come out to visit?
Not so much working late crazy hours as having to do stupid clean ups for areas that no one sees but the mechanics and r.o.'s.

I remember the first time Fergie came, along with her daughter Princess Beatrice who was about 3 years old at the time. One of the supervisors made some guys from canoes clear out areas under the flume in Splash that the rats don't even see... That same day at Bear Band, some of us were stuck sweeping pine needles out of the walkway every 10 minutes (futility, thy name is Supervisor...) in case she came by. The strollers had to be lined up just so - it looked like a bunch of anal-retentive people worked in the department instead of the usually easy going crowd that most of us were...

As it turned out, we saw a mob with a red head in the middle of it heading our way, then Michael Eisner talked them out of sampling our attraction - hey just because you find it boring, doesn't mean a 3 year old princess will find it boring. What a jerk!

Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2003 10:01 pm
by GapToothed
Well, the head of BEC came today. After hours and hours and hours of work and cleaning, it was all over with a five minute walk through of the building. Luckily, he was pleased with what he saw... if he wasn't, we were all going to cry!! Haha. Well, two weeks until Auggie comes back. This check is going to be sweet - two weeks, 120 hours. Phew, I'm tired!!

It's all catawampus here

Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2003 1:30 am
by LittleDollClaudia
Get this, today we had the bigwigs from Cedar Fair in the park today. (They own Knott's among other theme parks) There was all of this hubbub about their visit so we were yelled at about hairnets and keeping the place clean and the like. I'm waiting on a group to go through our shop and comment, right? Wrong!!! After our supervisors went into a tizzy running about and acting nuts, all the group did was stand outside of my shop for two count 'em two minutes, stare at the menu, write down a few notes and walk away. Didn't even come in and talk to us or inspect the shop at all. Hm... it's really funny but it seems to only be when the higher ups walk around is when they care about the shops. Has anyone else noticed this? :?

Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2003 2:14 am
by GapToothed
Even though Auggie reamed the park his last trip, he shakes the hand and greets every team member that he runs into. So, that's swell. A few years ago, when he had good visits, we got "Busch Bucks" that were 10 $5 dollar certificates. So we would go to the lounge and buy 5 cent crackers and get $4.95 back! Haha. Sadly, we haven't gotten Busch Bucks in forever. :-(

Re: It's all catawampus here

Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2003 6:02 pm
by BirdMom
LittleDollClaudia wrote: today we had the bigwigs from Cedar Fair in the park today. (They own Knott's among other theme parks)

Dang - my mother and I were at Robinson's-May at Fashion Island and my mom wanted to buy a blouse. The woman at the cash register happened to mention to someone else that she had taken her nephew to Knott's, what a mess it was, gangbangers, etc. and this woman in line in front of us just went off on the cashier about how her husband was now in charge of Knott's and that everything the poor woman had just said was a bunch of b.s. I mean, this woman would not let it rest, she was half evil/half cheerleader about Knott's. I thought, if this is the boss's wife, I don't want to work for that company. What pissed us off was that her tirade lasted about 10 minutes, forgetting that there was a line of people waiting to purchase clothing. My mom was so ticked off she slammed the blouse down on the counter and left because the cashier wasn't getting to anyone else...and that witch still hadn't shut up about Knott's... :hammer: