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Seeing Disney brings out the stupidity...

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2005 8:54 pm
by Parkbench
Okay... I was a CP in Orlando (yeah... I know... everyone hates the CP's) this past spring, and now I'm a campus rep to help recruit... I swear, seeing the Disney name brings out the stupid questions. I've been recruiting the last two days as our presentation is on Monday and Tuesday. We've had a big booth in the middle of one of the crowded halls in my college.

Here are some of my favorites:
I was in Entertainment in Orlando, so I had some pictures out of when I was an artist in DCT in MK. The female artists all have to wear wigs... So I got to play with my hair color a lot. I'm a natural blonde, but I had a picture of me wearing a black wig. This boy was literally fighting with me that the pictures wasn't me because in the picture I had short black hair, and in person I had long blonde hair... I couldn't convince him that it's just a wig and that the picture actually was me...

"So... Have you done the college program?" This is while I'm wearing Mickey ears with a tassle and "College Program 2005" painted on the ears... "No... I just like to stand around and look silly." (I actually answered that I had, and that I just got home this past May.)

same person... "Okay, well did you like it?" "No... I'm just trying to ruin your life too."

Another guy came and was talking about how he was interested in doing entertainment. He would love to do entertainment, but he was going on and on about how he WOULD not be Buzz Lightyear. That would make him absolutely not do the program... (Ignoring the fact that he'd have to make it through auditions, he ignored that and said he would have no problem...) I then couldn't convince him that he would not have to worry about Buzz Lightyear at all... He wouldn't believe me that being 6'2'' tall was much to tall for Buzz Lightyear and was more suited for Woody or Goofy. Finally, I just gave up fighting him on it and started talking to the next person in line.

Okay... So none of those sound too bad... Here was my absolute favorite...

"Alright, so you work for Disney, and you worked in the Magic Kingdom, right?" "Yes, I was in all of the parks, but Magic Kingdom was one of my most frequent..." "Can you answer this for me, I promise I won't tell anyone else... Is Walt really frozen under the park in the hidden tunnels I've heard about?" I sat dumbfounded for a minute to try and figure out if he really had just asked what I thought he did.... I couldn't help myself... I had to answer... "No... He's in Disneyland, not Magic Kingdom..." to which he replied, "I KNEW IT!" and walked off...

Re: Seeing Disney brings out the stupidity...

Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 2:37 am
by Dack48
I am the Campus Rep for RIT, and last season's recruiting tables were fun as always, but at a school like RIT it is a lot harder recruiting wise. Basicially, its an engineering school. Stupid cynical people and disillusioned anarchists with no souls.

However, one does stand out. At the table, I start talking to this guy who I am sure just wanted to get into an argument with us. He starts asking all kinds of hard questions about the program and what it does, then goes on a five-minute bragging streak about the other places he has co-op'd (interned) at. Boeing, Lockheed Martin, etc. Then he asks if we can give him a raise in the typical CP pay to be competitive with those companies, if we can guarantee him a role in attractions, etc.

Finally, my recuriters trip partner just said "You know, this program may not be the best for you. Goodbye." It was great! Disneyese for 'shut up and go away' :) I have met some great people from WDW coming up as trip partners, but that one is definately the best!