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We Work While...

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2005 11:20 am
by PirateJohn
We work while others play...

We work while others sleep...
We work while others work...
We work while others pick their nose...
We work while others go to church...
We work while others watch football...
We work while others feed their cats...
We work while others have dinner...
We work while others go to the gym...
We work while others paint their house...
We work while others change their oil...
We work while others read...
We work while others make goo-goo eyes at each other...
We work while others do gardening...
We work while others mend socks...
We work while others do drugs...
We work while others go to rock concerts...
We work while others play with toy trains...
We work while others do jumping jacks...
We work while others yell at us for not working hard enough.

Re: We Work While...

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2005 2:27 pm
by BirdMom
PirateJohn wrote:We work while others play....
We work while others yell at us for not working hard enough.
And a happy Fourth of July to everyone who is stuck working with what will probably be a huge mob that comes out to see the fireworks. Best of luck navigating the NOS and Hub gridlock You all have my deepest sympathies from the experience of 10 Fourth of July's dealing with random stupidity.

Re: We Work While...

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2005 5:30 pm
by LostMalfoy
I don't even want to think about my shift tonight...*rolls eyes* Oh yes, this will be fun. We had people asking us yesterday if they were doing anything at midnight that night for the 4th. Excuse me, but, do we look like a movie theatre?

Re: We Work While...

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2005 1:50 am
by Stduck
BirdMom wrote:And a happy Fourth of July to everyone who is stuck working with what will probably be a huge mob that comes out to see the fireworks. Best of luck navigating the NOS and Hub gridlock You all have my deepest sympathies from the experience of 10 Fourth of July's dealing with random stupidity.
Oh oh guess where I was...HUB. Yeah we didn't lose the walkway though. Yeah our viewing area was full ay 7:30pm. I officially hate cameras.

Re: We Work While...

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2005 6:10 am
by Main Streeter
PirateJohn wrote:We work while others play...

We work while others sleep...
We work while others yell at us for not working hard enough.

So, so true Pirate John! Glanced @ my watch @ 0015 & realized most had celebrated 4th of July & were happily sleeping. Yet I had to close out :(
Had a guest argue & tell me to calm down (this was said because I refused to dignify her comments) She & a friend were buying ellevendy billion (thanks GMC ]I should care why[/I]?" July 4th gave us a few angry nuts, yet I had one A P guest in a wheelchair who gave me sunshine & a rainbow after dark. He was my Freedom on this 4th :) :)

Re: We Work While...

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2005 12:31 pm
by BirdMom
Main Streeter wrote: Parade & fireworks brought many complaints on Main Street. "I can't get through or around. How do you expect me to got to the Emporium for the sweat shirt we need so we won't freeze?" I so wanted to say]I should care why[/I]?" July 4th gave us a few angry nuts, yet I had one A P guest in a wheelchair who gave me sunshine & a rainbow after dark. He was my Freedom on this 4th
I don't understand why people want to go to someplace that will likely be quite crowded on the 4th...say the beach, the local park, Disneyland. If you've lived around here all your life, you must have heard the horror stories about how crowded the place gets. I still remember hearing about how admission was stopped at 1:00 p.m. on the 4th of July 1976 because it was too crowded and guests could not get around. Locals, if you just want to see the fireworks, sit in the parking lot at Orange County Mining Co. or up on Bastenchury & St. College.

Alright, a tourist who is from the far flung corners of the world wouldn't know, but come on you Americans - y'all should know better. If you choose a "fun" destination for the 4th of July, there are going to be huge crowds and you have no one to blame but yourself. Don't go off on our poor CM's who are just trying to keep their heads above water while listening to your complaints, along with those of 64,999 other people.

Re: We Work While...

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2005 2:15 pm
by LiveWire
Im so glad I didn't have GC yesterday. My jungle shift was relatively peaceful. Did have one family stop me after my shift and ask where they could eat that was still open at about 11:30 or so. I guess they had been to the parking lot and it wasn't moving so they came back into the park. They were annoyed but I think they just needed to vent and they did so calmly so I didn't mind listening.

I did have a good experience on my last boat of the night. I was finishing up the spiel as the boat was unloading at the dock and this boy about 10-12 years old came up to me and just threw his arms around me in the best warmest hug I've ever gotten. I was so stunned I just hugged him back. He said he had the best time. I almost cried I was so touched. Everyone thought that I knew him because friends had been coming by to see me during the day but I told them no. I'd never seen him before.

I just had to share that. I thought it was awesome that someone appreciated me and shared happiness on what was probably a very hectic day. :)

Re: We Work While...

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2005 11:15 pm
by saidthekat
i, for one, had an excellent 4th of july. our amazing lead convinced guests that they did not want to be sitting on storybook boats for 30 minutes while the fireworks went off... so our queue was gone, and our boats were empty. i was on dock with two other female cast members. one of them was a little upset at spending her first 4th of july away from her family... but that was soon forgotten as the three of us began acting out the entire "remember" show. we entertained ourselves, and the guests that happened to be in the immediate area. then, for the 4th of July show, we just stood there trying not to cry.

truly a magical evening.