A Good Old Soapbox Rant

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A Good Old Soapbox Rant

Post by Driver_dylan » Sun Jan 11, 2009 9:09 pm

I figure while I have returned to full streingth it was time to reviel my latest thing.

:soap: I have had it with the Pin Collectors. Not the general guests who collect pins mind you, but the people who sit in front of Pin Traders and have to get every next new pin set as soon as they come out no matter what they have to resort to. These are the people that I want of lock in a cage while I apply electroshock treatments to their neither region. (( :electchr: :explode: :litning: :shock: :stick: :whip :) to explain one feeling)

Quick story: Thursday of last week, I go to work at my cart right outside MPT. No less than fifty times between the hours of 9:30 and 11:00 sombody approaches me from the throng of Pintraders looking for the new pins that had just been reliesed. Finally around eleven, I got my lunch and after that I walked into the Pin replenishment station. Oddly I recieved two of the new pins as well as some others. I then placed my lanyard in my pocket and walked out onto the sales floor of TM/SS. No sooner did I close the door than I watched one of these morons push a child out of her way so that she could get to me. When she asked to see my lanyard, I told her that I didn't have it, she responded. "Bull SH__t, I saw you go in to get pins. I want to see them." As I didn't want to fight with her I showed her the pins. Which she traded for two of the cheapest pins I have ever seen.

Now I don't care that she gave me crap pins, I was the fact that she ran over a little girl to do it. So I decided to put my lanyard in my locker and no longer trade. The next day I did the same and what happens? I run into the same woman who goes to guest relations and complains that I didn't have my lanyard. :mad: I know this because she came back a rubbed it in my face after one of my managers asked me to get my lanyard as it is part of my uniform, apparently I have to trade in my position. It was later when me and another manager were talking that I was told that although I have to keep a lanyard, there is no rule as to the type of pins i have on it. So, it is because of this, and because I am :twisted: :evil: , I now announce the following:


To be part of this group is simple. All you have to do is not replenish your pins from ones that no one wants. It is my hope that we can screw these jerks where they live.

I'm not saying pin trading is bad, I have even taken good pins and given them away to kids and even adults. I just can't see taking such a simple thing like trading a pin to such an extreme that you would think of pushing anyone out of the way. I just believe that things have gotten out of hand and there needs to be reform. If you believe in what I'm saying, sound off and join, if not then don't come looking for new pins on my lanyard. :p:

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Re: A Good Old Soapbox Rant

Post by Ms. Matterhorn » Sun Jan 11, 2009 9:26 pm

DD, pin trading sounds like an absolute nightmare. Although I look forward to working at DLR again when I retire from teaching, I do not look forward to wearing a lanyard. I like your idea of just having the cheap crappy pins no one wants on my lanyard. I think that is what you said.
:bbbat: :boil: :buzzsaw: Here's what we do to Pin Traders!

"Excuse me, are those ducks real?"
"Yes, sir, but the water is fake."

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Re: A Good Old Soapbox Rant

Post by PapaMouse » Sun Jan 11, 2009 10:26 pm

I will be honest with you all. I have always though the pin trading idea was stupid. I think is guest want to trade with other guest, then fine. Or even if CM *WANT* the trade then fine, but I don't think CM's should be REQUIRED to trade. I am glad to hear that you are not required to have certain pins on. I hope your "wear only the shitty pins" idea works out. I have a very small collection of a few pins, but IMO they are more special then those that any guest can just walk up and trade for. the pins I have came as gifts or special hunting. (I have a rare 1929-1930 Sears Mickey Mouse Club button pin.)

I will say this though. I would LOVE to have a Monorail pin or real monorail wings. (birthday is tomorrow *hint* LOL)

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Re: A Good Old Soapbox Rant

Post by turkeyham » Sun Jan 11, 2009 10:46 pm

My friends work at Disneyland. They say that the managers put the crapy pins on the lanyards. I trade my pins and I do have crapy ones to trade too. If a cast member does not feel safe trading, I wouldn't blame them. :)

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Re: A Good Old Soapbox Rant

Post by mechurchlady » Sun Jan 11, 2009 11:31 pm

Disney management could not figure how I got rich in pins. It was through shrewd trading and not selling pins or som of the other ways to get lots of rare pins. I would trade to a person a $2 pin I got at a discounter for a rack pin then trade the rack pin for another better pin. I bought the first edition and second editions in bulk then waited for people to come begging for the first and second of a series.

I have seen them lie, cheat, run over people, push and shove, and connive to get the better pins. I did some camping out but I knew one important rule. CMs DO NOT HAVE TO TRADE. That was the rules and is the rules but your manager better get his brain cleaned. She was only to trade with you IF you had the lanyard on. She did not know if you were sick or if the lanyard was dirty or hurting you. She was wrong and you get me out there and I will straighten her out. They used to give out brochures on pin trading and it says that what is allowed. Since when is the lanyard part of a uniform other than the dudes with the vests. I would also just leave the pins and not refresh them. There are some pin traders out there that are lying, mean, no scruples jerks.

Just remember that that vast majority of pin traders are nice people who have fun and understand that CMs are people and do not push buttons.

Big hugs


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Re: A Good Old Soapbox Rant

Post by dazyhill » Sun Jan 11, 2009 11:47 pm

Driver Dylan I am so sorry you have to deal with people like this. It is people like that thoughtless woman that make pin trading so ugly.
I know there are lanyards that are designated for trading with children only. Maybe you could get one of those. I am not saying this is the best solution as I am sure there are probably pin trading kids that are ruthless too (thanks to their parents),but it may help you fend off the pin sharks.
At DL, a lot of the cast members wear or have small pin pouches and these are easy to conceal.
I collect pins and have a good-sized collection. I only trade with cast members because I just can't stand trading with most of the pin traders. A lot of them show up with their books filled with all the neat pins from Disney Auctions or WDI ,but they won't let you trade for those unless you either have something better or buy them a new pin. I did it a few times (I love WDI Sorcerer pins) but I won't do it again.
I try to give Cast Members a good pin in trade such as Tinker Bell, a Disney Princess, or Winnie the Pooh. If I don't have pins that Idon't think are worth trading,then I don't trade. I try to be fair. I am careful not to bother a Cast Member if they are too busy helping guests or otherwise.
So hang in there Driver Dylan and don't let those jerks get you down. :)

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Re: A Good Old Soapbox Rant

Post by Shorty82 » Sun Jan 11, 2009 11:56 pm

mechurchlady wrote:Disney management could not figure how I got rich in pins. It was through shrewd trading and not selling pins or som of the other ways to get lots of rare pins. I would trade to a person a $2 pin I got at a discounter for a rack pin then trade the rack pin for another better pin. I bought the first edition and second editions in bulk then waited for people to come begging for the first and second of a series.

I have seen them lie, cheat, run over people, push and shove, and connive to get the better pins. I did some camping out but I knew one important rule. CMs DO NOT HAVE TO TRADE. That was the rules and is the rules but your manager better get his brain cleaned. She was only to trade with you IF you had the lanyard on. She did not know if you were sick or if the lanyard was dirty or hurting you. She was wrong and you get me out there and I will straighten her out. They used to give out brochures on pin trading and it says that what is allowed. Since when is the lanyard part of a uniform other than the dudes with the vests. I would also just leave the pins and not refresh them. There are some pin traders out there that are lying, mean, no scruples jerks.

Just remember that that vast majority of pin traders are nice people who have fun and understand that CMs are people and do not push buttons.

Big hugs
A pin lanyard is a required part of merchandise costumes (and a few others) but it is up to the individual managers to enforce the rule. I lost my pins a while back (had a hip lanyard) and other than once or twice shortly after nobody has said anything about me not having a lanyard. I even reported it to the manager in charge of pins at the time it happened and he didn't get me another one. I didn't worry about asking for another lanyard for a while and now I'm waiting until the new lanyards come in (the blue ones are being replaced with black) before getting another one.

I personally feel that cast should be given the option to trade and not be required to wear a lanyard.

Some managers are anal about their CMs having lanyards. My SIL picked up a Character Attendant shift a while back. Because her neck was hurting (due to a pre-existing medical condition) she left her lanyard at home. A manager got onto her and made her get a hip lanyard to wear.

If a CM has a lanyard and the guest is trying to trade a Disney pin then they have to trade it. The CM cannot say no in that situation.

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Re: A Good Old Soapbox Rant

Post by GRUMPY PIRATE » Mon Jan 12, 2009 12:41 am

I personally only get a few pins to commemorate each visit to either WDW or DLR.

After the first trip when we got a free lanyard and pins, we traded a few, then stopped.

The reason we stopped is that the pins seem to bring out greed. we visited a pin place at DTD a few years ago, and encountered this rather...strange person..that had books and books of pins, when we wanted to look to see if ther was anything that we might want (we give them away to the kids, and grandkids) He demanded to see what we were going to trade. we showed a few pins, and he was very adament that he did not want to trade with us, and didn't want us even looking at his collection.

That attitude just shows me that people that do that are just greedy and self-centered to get only what they want.

I agree with some other posters, the CM's should not have to engage with these MORONS that are only in it to make money. Possibly only deal with kids. And if the CM gets busy, have them remove the lanyard until they can deal with the pin trading aspect later. And let the CM's decided if they want to trade with an adult.

Leave it to an SG to make a nice little portable souvineer/gift into a cut throat greedy quest to get the "better" of someone. I think they should only let people trade, from a lanyard they are wearing, and not bring books or bags of them to set up shop.

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Re: A Good Old Soapbox Rant

Post by mechurchlady » Mon Jan 12, 2009 12:59 am

As to what Grumpy said about the dude not wanting to trade, that is what hurt pin trading. I would tell people what they had and what they could get. I always carried some stuff that was low enough value but appealing. It is sad when people will only deal with the rich and famous traders.


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Re: A Good Old Soapbox Rant

Post by DisneyMom » Mon Jan 12, 2009 6:00 am

So Sorry you ran into that person, but really, if you have to shove kids around and abuse CMs to get what you want, you have gone to a new level of low :mad:
I trade pins but never am aggressive, and always make sure to greet the CM and ask how they are doing that day. Have met lots of nice CMs! Have also met some Snooty Pin Traders but also some really nice ones including a very special lady who went out of her way to give my son a dragon lanyard.
I try to give a pin to kids when I can as well, so not everyone is like that witch! ;)
Hang in there!

:flybongo: NO BULL!!!!!:D:

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