The ice and snow has sunk into ppls small brains

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Practically Lives Here
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The ice and snow has sunk into ppls small brains

Post by vixen101485 » Fri Feb 01, 2008 3:35 pm

The Scene: Cold day, been raining off and on along with some snow and ice. Thereforth the sidewalk along my courtyard looks like a skating rink. (not really but looks it)

My yard is pretty supstantial and Meghyn's swingset is almost smack dab against the edge where the neighbor parks her cars in a single row (like driveway) and there is a creek beyond (no barrier) Not exactly safe but the flatest area for it.

here is what it looks like from where I was standing on the front porch on the corner by the big fence. hard to explain without visuals. :D:


The ground between the swingset and the drive area is VERY soft when it is wet. (like your car IS gonna get stuck if it sits there long enuf)

Anywho...Neighbor (her house on pic) and I are out on our front porches yapping a bit about the weather when she wonders whose car is pulling in the back lot(it is private and only for use by us, her and the man who own some trailers-the storage kind, not the house kind- and parks them there.) I lean around the corner of my porch so I can see. "i dont know,nice SUV tho" beautiful white thing pulling in behind her last car. Teen girl opens passenger door, sets her foot down on the ground and quickly gets back in. My neighbor realizes it is her paper girl. OK...the ground is icy, so, the thing to do would be yell over to my neighbor to see if she could please come over and get it, right?
NOOOOOOO....apparantly the thing to do is to squeeze your oversize gas guzzling machine inbetween the corner of the wire fence, the last car and my DD's swingset right into the mushy area on the map.

Both my neighbor and I are yelling like banshees to STOP, and jumping up and down and waving our arms to indicate the same. Trust me the jumping up and down part between us both (we are big girls) should have caused enuf shock waves to get the ditzy mom who was driving the SUV's attention. The teen did see us I know. She keeps coming forward and stops dead on the absolute worst spot in the entire yard. Not to mention the ruts she left behind her. We are both still yelling to BACK IT UP! Ditz mom finally rolls down her passenger window (parallel to where I am at) I am screaming at her to get the car out (y'all would be very proud cause I didnt cuss at her) because here car was gonna sink. 3 TIMES I said it. So what does she do but pulls forward more and almost hits the tree. NOOOOOOOO, get the car out of my yard NOW! instead of moving she starts bitching at me, but we have to deliver the paper. Quote/unquote..."I DONT CARE, get the car backed up NOW, YOU ARE GOING TO SINK IN A HOLE."

Now if someone told me my car was going to sink in a hole, I would be moving it ASAP, not argueing about a paper. She does back up and my neighbor walks down to her to get the paper.

See that pile of gravel on my map (my landlord needs to finish filling in the holes in the parking lot:rolleyes :) .....LMMAO....she gets stuck up on it. I am talking back wheels off the ground about 4 feet, your undercarriage being ripped up by gravel, front wheels spinning on the ice, stuck. Now had she not pulled in like she did she would have been able to back out right between the gravel and the trailer like normal ppl. :rolleyes: Both the neighbor and I agreed we sould have went in the house and locked the doors if she could not get down. See, now, the ding dong had a problem, if she went forward too quick, she would have wound up in the creek (about one icy car length away) I was laughing too hard to watch but apparantly she got down by backing up some how very quickly. :shrug: GOD how I wish Donnie would still have been parked on the non-creek side of the gravel where he usually does, we could have gotten most of the rusty side of our car fixed.

Needless to say, the paper got a phone call to the effect of, this woman is an idiot and to tell her to stay out of the private lot. PERIOD! If the paper needs delivered the girl can walk down the sidewalk like the mailman does. If it cant be delivered due to weather call the customer and explain that. But Stay Out of My Yard! Hopefully she didnt do much damage to it, but if she would have slid into the swingset she WOULD have been buying a new one. That thing is only a little over a year old and expensive.

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